Thrive Alliance: Takeaways with Tony Robbins

By Kat West (other events)

Wednesday, August 31 2022 11:30 AM 2:30 PM EDT

11:30am-12:00am: Coffee & Conversations: Bring your coffee & get connected! Although you will not be joining us in person I still encourage you to join during this time & be ready to go. There are some great conversations in this little moment of time!

12-1pm - Thrive Meeting- Takeaways from Tony Robbins- Come hear some of the best takeaways from the Build Conference straight from the man himself, Tony Robbins! Find out some of the best knowledge we took away from this awesome event and how to leverage it in your own business!

1pm-2pm - Open to the public TeamGogo Call:   Once a week my business partner with over 900 agents across the country hosts this meeting and interviews an industry pro to talk to us about production. Once a month she opens this to the public!

Can't wait to hear what you learn so take some notes you can share with the group!